Sunday, July 12

We started on our journey to Mammoth Cave National Park and Jellystone Park around 12:30 today after enjoying a relaxing morning at Chris and Aribi's. It was only a 3.5 hour drive to our new destination. Thom and I thought we had planned it out pretty darn well that we would drive while the kids took naps; they had other ideas.  Teddy, who only had to stop twice on our 7 hour drive down for a bathroom break, had to take 3 bathroom breaks in the first 2 hours of our drive today.  Due to these breaks, Rocky woke up after 45 minutes. This led to a sassy evening from both.

We stopped in Bowling Green, KY to get a few items from Walmart before heading to Jellystone Park.  Due to our extra stops we couldn't make it to the Mammoth Cave National Park Visitor Center to ask about hikes before it closed this evening so we went directly to Jellystone Park.  We arrived at Jellystone Park around 5:00 and got our cabin assignment.  As I was checking in another couple stepped up and was checking in next to me. The woman said something along the lines of " daughter read that teachers get a discount..." So I turned to the man helping me and asked if that was true, he said yes! After telling him my husband and I are educators we received a 20% discount!

We selected a cabin that had a screened in porch so when the boys went to bed we could sit outside without getting bitten by mosquitos.  Our cabin has two bedrooms (one with a queen and the other with 2 sets of bunk beds), a full bathroom with tub and a full kitchen. It is so cute! We are more in the back part of the campgrounds, but it seems newer developed. The spot next to us is for campers and there is a real tiny house there that has been built on a trailer and is being pulled around.

After dinner and settling in we went for a walk around the campgrounds. There is so much to do here! There are multiple pools, fishing ponds, splash pad, water slide, mini golf, jumping pillow, playgrounds and so much more.  Although we are further away from all the attractions and more in the campers section we actually like it more; we feel we are more distanced from everyone.

As I type we are waiting for Rocky to fall asleep so Teddy can go to bed.  Both are in desperate need of sleep after skipping naps today. I think we will start our exploration of Mammoth Cave National Park tomorrow!
