Friday, July 10

This morning Rocky was the first to wake up bright and early. I made the deal with Thom that if I woke up today, I would get to sleep in tomorrow. He accepted the deal so I was up early. Rocky and I played with Dustin and Kennedy while everyone else slept. Teddy slept until 8:15/30ish! Poor buddy had a nose bleed throughout the night. The pool sure wears him out!

After the kids ate a quick breakfast, breakfast burritos were made for the adults. They were delicious. Because the men went golfing yesterday, the girls got to enjoy some pool time on our own without the boys or kids. After preparing lunch and getting the kids ready the men and kids joined us! It was very relaxing to float on a floatie without worrying about kids, but it sure is enjoyable to watch them explore and play in the pool. We played for well over an hour before breaking for our charcuterie tray lunch.

Once nap time approached the kiddos went down for bed and the men went golfing again. I tried to read some of my book on the porch, but between a beautiful breeze, perfect temperature and just being tired I almost feel asleep multiple times. I ended up crawling into bed with Teddy and napped for over 1.5 hours!

Once Rocky woke up, we were up. We played for a bit and decided to go back to the pool. Once again, the water was perfect!! Teddy is starting to get braver by “jumping” in. Rocky continually tries to drink the water.

Dinner tonight was a meal for a king. We enjoyed steak and crab legs. It was delicious!

Once the kids were in bed the adults played Catan again.

Thom got stung by a wasp 48 hours ago and it is really swelling big and is more painful today than yesterday. I am hoping it isn’t an infection.

We are really enjoying our time!
